Pipa Operator Training Course
Posted By: ITATS Inflatable Testing and Training Services | Posted Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Watch this space for locations and dates of the new PIPA OPERATORS TRAINING COURSE launching January 2024.
This course has been two years in the making and is in 2 parts. First part is completed on the new online 'PIPA' Learning Hub' followed by a full days face to face training day.
Why two parts you may ask. Following feedback from Operators it was agreed that more time should be given to the practical side of training and the PIPA Training and Development team have achieved this by producing the online part of the course which deals with the non practical side. Candidates must complete the online course before they are able to take the practical day. Sign up today at the 'PIPA' Learning Hub. Its FREE!
The course has input from a number of industry stakeholders including HSE and is nothing like courses that have gone before.
If you are interested in taking the course please drop us an email and we will contact you directly once more information is available. office@itats.co.uk
This is the Operators course (as defined in BSEN 14960 and HSG 175) and PIPA plans to develop a Controllers course and an Attendants course at some point in the future.